Child Portrait Photographer – Pensacola, Florida
Capturing an image of a child, each with its own individual and amazing spirit, is something that will never grow old to me. So it makes sense that taking portraits of my very own kiddo probably happens quite a bit! Ava Jane is her name and being breathtaking is her game! Of course, I’m biased. I bought this beautiful vintage, bohemian dress when she was just a few months old. I have been imagining this exact shoot since then. We headed off to our favorite spot in the Gulf Breeze/Pensacola area and I had my fingers and toes crossed that Ava would be in the mood for Mommy to go hog wild with this shoot! Well, it worked! We had so much fun running through the flowers and exploring. There were a few times where she literally stole my breath away. It happens on almost every shoot, not just with my baby. There always seems to be at least one moment when you catch them unaware and BOOM, you get to see their personality jump right out at you. It’s seriously one of my favorite things in the world! It’s an honor to be her Mom and it’s an honor to capture these moments with her. Grow, my dear girl, but not so quickly!
Pensacola Florida Photographer
Pensacola Florida Photographer
Pensacola Florida Photographer
Pensacola Florida Photographer
Pensacola Florida Photographer
Pensacola Florida Photographer
Pensacola Florida Photographer
Pensacola Florida Photographer
Pensacola Florida Photographer
Pensacola Florida Photographer
Pensacola Florida Photographer
Wise beyond her years… That bohemian spirit that’s been passed down through our family shows here more than I’ve ever seen before.
Pensacola Florida Photographer
Pensacola Florida Photographer
Pensacola Florida Photographer
Pensacola Florida Photographer
Pensacola Florida Photographer
I love her so much and I truly cannot wait to see what amazing gifts she brings to the world!