Charley {3 months old} Pensacola, Florida Baby Photographer
Oh Charley! Isn’t he precious!? He’s tripled in size at least! So squishy! I shot his newborn session (click here). You’ll see it’s no wonder he’s so cute because both of his parents are unbelievably good looking. Charley was hamming it up for us at his 3 month old session. Milestone is that he should be able to hold his head up while on is tummy and he’s right on time for that. He obviously has that down, but what was impressive is that he’s already grabbing his feet like a 6 month old. Both of his parents were walking by 9 months old so it will be no surprise if he makes his milestones early too. Excited to watch Charley grow over the next year! Love my job!
Pensacola, FL Baby Photographer
Pensacola, FL Baby Photographer
Pensacola, FL Baby Photographer
Pensacola, FL Baby Photographer
Pensacola, FL Baby Photographer
Pensacola, FL Baby Photographer
Pensacola, FL Baby Photographer
Pensacola, FL Baby Photographer
Pensacola, FL Baby Photographer
Pensacola, FL Baby Photographer
Pensacola, FL Baby Photographer
Pensacola, FL Baby Photographer