Sweet sweet Joshua and his sweet little face is 9 months old. Already! He’s on my grow with me plan and I’ve shot his newborn, 3 month, and 6 month. He is always such a good baby for me! I was so surprised to learn that he was walking. At 9 months old! Can you believe it? I love his little Frankenstein walk 🙂 We started out at Palafox Pier, downtown Pensacola and worked our way around downtown to mix it up. I absolutely LOVE this age. Sweet sweet baby. Hope you enjoy!
Pensacola, Florida Family Photographer
Pensacola, Florida Family Photographer
Pensacola, Florida Family Photographer
Pensacola, Florida Family Photographer
Pensacola, Florida Family Photographer
Pensacola, Florida Family Photographer
Pensacola, Florida Family Photographer
Pensacola, Florida Family Photographer
Pensacola, Florida Family Photographer
Pensacola, Florida Family Photographer
Pensacola, Florida Family Photographer