Santa came to town! And he still is if you haven’t signed up for your Santa Session yet. Please use the contact form to message me inquiring about details.
This is sweet Holden. Just love him to pieces! He is seriously the most satisfying 2 year to shoot ever! He’s always in a good mood and has the most contagious laugh you’ve ever heard. And look at those beautiful blonde curls… He wasn’t feeling Santa at first but with some cookies and coloring we were able to convince him to give it a try. To say the session was a turn around is an understatement. Holden fell in love with Santa giving us and him the biggest giggles and laughs ever. I wish we had it on video too but this gallery sums it how awesome it was. Such a precious memory. So magical. Really makes me love my job that much more!
Santa Photos Pensacola
Santa Photos Pensacola
Santa Photos Pensacola
Santa Photos Pensacola
Santa Photos Pensacola
Santa Photos Pensacola
Santa Photos Pensacola
Santa Photos Pensacola
Santa Photos Pensacola
Santa Photos Pensacola
Santa Photos Pensacola
Santa Photos Pensacola