Riley turns 1! {studio session} Pensacola, Florida Photographer
Oh my gosh! I can’t believe it’s been a year ALREADY! I first started shooting Ms. Riley when she was just a little tiny newborn {click here to view that session}. She has always had the BEST personality! We’ve done a few sessions in between but both of her parents are active military and are avid travelers. {Thank you for your service!} Love their view on life and they are seriously the most laid back parents ever. You know what I say about laid back parents right? They always have kids that are just super social and happy! I mean just look at sweet Riley’s face! Do you think she’s ever met a stranger?! LOL! I typically do not like shooting moving babies in the studio, lol but if they could just all be like this, I’d do it allll day EVERYDAY! This was such a satisfying session. She nailed it! She was a little flirt with the camera. Happy Birthday Riley! I can’t wait to see you again!
Pensacola Florida Photographer
Pensacola Florida Photographer
Pensacola Florida Photographer
Pensacola Florida Photographer
Pensacola Florida Photographer
Pensacola Florida Photographer
Pensacola Florida Photographer
Pensacola Florida Photographer
Pensacola Florida Photographer