Justin and Nora’s Engagement Session – Pensacola, FL Engagement Photographer
There are no words… Not good enough to explain how much I love this couple. LONG time friends of mine. To say I was honored to do this for them, is an understatement… I was there at the beginning of their relationship. You know, the still making out phase? Together for what, 8 years now? Well, they’re still making out and still very much in love, LOL. They are tying the knot this year and asked me, ME! to shoot their engagement pics. I knew from the beginning these were going to be epic. I instantly thought of a series that would be perfect for them. And boy did they bring their A-game. We started off in the Wistera, a hole in the wall bar that is part of Pensacola history. They both work there bartending so, it was only fitting. I loved the challenge of shooting in this dark, dark place full of character. We continued outside of the bar and even shot in our famous tunnel of trees on 12th ave. Lots of “Game on, Game off” {if your a Wayne’s World fan, you’ll understand} Totally worth it. I can only imagine the people driving by seeing me very pregnant just staying in the middle of the street until I couldn’t. After that we knew we wanted a park to do some ‘fun’ awkward family photos type stuff. So, we went to the park just down the street from their house in East Hill. I had never been to this park before. Instant love. It had the most gorgeous light and beautiful azalea and dogwood trees. After I got my buttery sunlit images, we continued on our path of fun and created some epic, totally their personality-type pics. There was no shortness of laughter or shame from all. The last half of these are a dream come true for me. I think there was some talk of having some t-shirts made, LOL! I’d totally sport these. Congratulations to the cutest couple in Pensacola! Love y’all!!