Anyone with kids knows what it means when people say the fine age of 2. It really is so universal. You sign up for pics, plan outfits, painstakingly plan out the day with timing naps and food just right just to show up to your session and have your 2 year have an ultimate meltdown. OMG, I GET IT!!! I have had very similar experience when my first daughter was around 3 {threenager they call them} acted like she had never touched sand and it was physically hurting her. {had been to the beach her whole life….} Needless to say I was so embarrassed!! So I felt these guys pain. I told them we could reschedule but they said she would probably still be like this the next time. It’s just how she was around anyone. I told them I’m fine with it and let’s just make the best of it now and see what we get.
Can you believe it was hard to narrow down their gallery under 100?! I absolutely love these few shots that really give the essence of the love in this family. No matter what, they love that girl fiercely and look at her with patience and love {ah, just got chill bumps} but for real. I feel like most would have just given up and they went through with it with smiles on their faces.
So don’t let your kids scare you. I believe I told my photographer “I don’t care if they are having a fit at my feet, just make me look good” LOL So don’t worry, I got you 😉