I am SO excited to have a “For Photographers” tab to my photography page. Like, dream made. As time goes on, I’ll be adding more and more to this page. I’m so excited to start offering photography workshops in Pensacola, Gulf Breeze, Milton, & Navarre areas of Florida. In addition to photography workshops, I’ll be adding online editing videos, custom made presets, and tips and tricks I’ve learned over the past 10 years of photography business. I think one of the things I’m most excited about is how to teach business side of it too. Like for instance mini sessions. Soooo many photographers are scared to set up and shoot mini sessions because it sounds like a logistical nightmare! Please let me help you. It is such a great asset to your business and will help you grow not only financially but help build up your reputation among many people in a short amount of time if done right. Click here to go to the Mentoring Page: